Aartsbisschop van Utrecht in Engeland

Zondag 19 oktober 2014

Aartsbisschop Joris Vercammen is jl.zondag aanwezig geweest bij de viering van de 50ste verjaardag van het concordaat tussen de Church of England en de Iglesia Filipina Independiente. Hij preekte in de Eucharistieviering waar deze verjaardag gevierd werd. De Obispo Maximo van IFI, the Most Reverend Ephraim S. Fajutagana, was de celebrant in deze Eucharistieviering, welke gehouden werd in St. Johns of Notting Hill, London.

The 50th Concordat Celebration between the C. of E. and the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) at StJohn’s Notting Hill, and to meet there with many friends old and new. The President at the Eucharist was the Obispo Maximo of the IFI, the Most Revd Ephraim, Fajatugana, and the Preacher was The Most Revd Joris Vercammen, Primate and Archbishop of Utrecht of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands. There were messages from The Archbishop of Canterbury, read by the Bishop in Europe; The Bishop of London, read by the Bishop of Kensington; the World Council of Churches, read by the Revd Dr Hielke Wolters; and HE The Ambassador of the Philippines, read by the Consul General. [Picture by Rachel Parry Us, courtesy of Fr. Salvador Telen, St Saviour’s Church Walthamstow.] ‪#‎CofE‬ ‪#‎IFI‬ Diocese of London ‪#‎Kensington‬ ‪#‎Philippines‬, Diocese in Europe ‪#‎WCC‬ Ronelio Fabriquie